Pallet circulation systems for the production of wall panels, double walls, solid walls and sandwich walls from standard and light-weight concrete are in use all over the world to the complete satisfaction of their users. Performances of 200 up to 3.000 m2 can be realized.
This production method enables a production process which can be controlled the whole way from the CAD system to the construction site.
The automation degree of the plants can be adapted with regards to the aimed capacity and the local conditions. The plants consist of modules and can be adapted to almost all market requirements.
The cost of this new line starts from 3 000 000 EUR. We have the opportunity to offer a used pallet circulation line starting from 370,000 EUR.
A pallet circulation system for the production of diverse precast concrete parts is always planned individually as a flow production plant. The planning of the material flow and the design of individual workstations depend on the precast concrete parts to be manufactured, for example: floor slabs, double walls, solid walls, sandwich walls or façade elements, Filigran slabs.
Pallet circulation systems (Carousel lines, Rotating systems) Pallet circulation systems (Carousel lines, Rotating systems) Pallet circulation systems (Carousel lines, Rotating systems) • Cross and longitudinal closures with integrated magnets (система продольных и поперечных магнитных бортов-оснастки) Automatic shuttering robot for placing the closures on the pallets and storage place for closures and electrical cabinets for robot (робот для устновки и снятия оснастки со шкафами управления) • Friction wheels for working stations and preparing the pallets with reinforcement machine for welding stirrups (фрикционные колеса для продвижения поддонов через рабочие станции и машины подготовки арматуры) Reinforcement preparation machines make Filzmoser (машины подготовки арматуры Filzmoser) Half-automatic concrete distributor with control unit (полуавтоматический бетоноукладчик с устройством контроля) Concrete transport shuttle Elematic for collecting concrete with track rails (бетонный “шаттл”, устройство адресной подачи бетона с путями) 2 Vibration and compaction stations (2 вибростенда) Turning station for the production of double walls (переворачивающее устройство для двойных стен) Racks for transporting the products to the site (стелажи для перевозки продукции на место хранения) Station for overtaking pallets that are more urgent than others (станция для “обгона” поддонов, которые более срочные, чем другие) Automatic robot for placing the pallets in the curing chambers (Автоматический робот для размещения поддонов в камерах отверждения/пропарки) 4 Curing chambers (4 камеры отверждения/пропарочные камеры) Tilting station for pallets for removing the products (Станция опрокидывания поддонов для чистки и удаления остатков бетона) Handling crane for closures (Погрузочно-разгрузочный кран для магнитной бортоснастки) Cleaning and oiling station for closures (Станция очистки и смазывания бортоснастки) Control system (Ситсема контроля и подсчета наработки часов)
Year of construction 2006, the plant has worked only 288 hours.
- The carrousel line is equipped with 36 pallets with dimensions: Width 3.650 mm and length 12.600 mm. The pallets will be polished and oiled before transport.
- Cross and longitudinal closures with integrated magnets
- Automatic shuttering robot for placing the closures on the pallets and storage place for closures and electrical cabinets for robot
- Friction wheels for working stations and preparing the pallets with reinforcement machine for welding stirrups
- Reinforcement preparation machines make Filzmoser
- Half-automatic concrete distributor with control unit
- Concrete transport shuttle Elematic for collecting concrete with track rails
- 2 Vibration and compaction stations
- Turning station for the production of double walls
- Racks for transporting the products to the site
- Station for overtaking pallets that are more urgent than others
- Automatic robot for placing the pallets in the curing chambers
- 4 Curing chambers
- Tilting station for pallets for removing the products
- Handling crane for closures
- Cleaning and oiling station for closures
- Control system
Plant capacity:
320 m2 double walls per shift or 800 m2 of filigree slabs or 500 m2 solid walls per shift. The plant is designed for :
Double walls 180 – 400 mm. (core insulated double walls)
Solid walls 100 – 200 mm.
Filgiree slabs (Filigran slabs)
Location: Canary Islands or Germany.
An example of the location of line elements in the manufactory 121,575 * 26,500 meters.

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